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Village Diary

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The Constitution of the Hampton Wick Association

1. The name of the Association shall be the Hampton Wick Association.

2. Full membership shall be open to all persons who live or work in Hampton Wick. Associate membership to be open to others.

3. The objects of the Association shall be to foster the amenities of Hampton Wick and to further the interests of its residents, businesses and ratepayers.

4. The annual membership subscription shall be agreed at every Annual General Meeting.

5. The officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

6. The Committee shall consist of the above officers plus eight other members.

7. On an annual basis, when it considers it appropriate, the Committee will appoint a person of proven dedication to the Association to the post of Honorary President. The Honorary President shall be an ex officio member of the Committee for the year in which he/she is appointed. There shall be no limit to the terms for which an Honorary President may be appointed.

8. The Annual General Meeting shall be held by 15 April each year and at least fourteen days notice shall be given to all members through the Newsletter, website, and the Notice Board. An independently examined statement of accounts for the previous calendar year, together with the Chairman’s report, will be available at the Annual General Meeting, and on the website where possible.

9. The financial examination shall be carried out by an independent examiner appointed at the Annual General Meeting.

10. Full members present at the Annual General Meeting shall have the right to vote, including to elect the officers and Committee for the ensuing year from among full members of the Association. Retiring officers and Committee members shall be eligible for re-election and a ballot shall be held if necessary.

11. The Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting if considered necessary.

12. A minimum of twenty members may request an Extraordinary General Meeting by written notice delivered to the Secretary and such meeting shall then be called within fourteen days.

13. Twenty members shall constitute a quorum at a General Meeting and five at a Committee meeting.

14. Informal meetings may be held from time to time, but not more frequently than once a month, for the purpose of discussion, talks, debates or other recreational activities.

15. The Committee shall have power to decide any matter of urgency not covered by the foregoing, subject to ratification at a General Meeting.

16. The constitution may be amended only at a General Meeting of the Association by a two-thirds majority of those voting.

Original constitution 1962, amended 16 March 2006, 14 April 2011 and 27 March 2014.