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Hampton Wick Rocks Gallery

As we reported during the first lockdown of the COVID pandemic, Hampton Wick responded enthusiastically to the project known as Hampton Wick Rocks started by Mandy Rook and others.

Local children and artists created amazing little works of art on pebbles. The pebbles were placed around Hampton Wick for others to find, photograph, post online and move to a different location. Local children had something fun to look forward to on their daily walks and also developed a sense of connection with others during a period of relative isolation.

Local resident Hugh Bailey has suggested the idea of celebrating and remembering this project. We have created the online gallery below with some of Hugh’s photos and we’d love to receive more from anyone who’d like to submit them. We also plan to print a selection of them in a forthcoming Hampton Wick Association magazine. If you let us have your name, we will also credit those we publish.

This is a Hampton Wick focused project, so please only send us photos of pebbles you saw locally. Please submit your photos (as .jpg, .png files or similar) to newsletter@hamptonwick.org.uk.