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Hampton Wick Public Realm Consultation - Choose Option 2

Tuesday 14th May 2024

Hampton Wick Public Realm Consultation - Choose Option 2

Do you want this?


Click here to read the background to the HWA’s Choose Option 2 campaign.

In the summer of 2022 the HWA explained how we had developed a vision for improving Hampton Wick’s village centre. We updated you on the story in July 2023.

Having garnered considerable enthusiasm from local businesses, residents and our local councillors, the councillors took up the vision and sponsored the development of a proposal which is now in consultation.


The consultation, led by external consultants (WSP) is being presented as two options. At this stage, the options are quite top level with many details still to be worked through.

Option 1 puts a huge loading bay right in the centre of the village – see artist’s impression above. We oppose this wholeheartedly.

Option 2 allows a completely vehicle-free piazza by moving the existing road crossing to the centre, whilst still giving more than ample loading bay provision elsewhere. See artist’s impression below. Choose Option 2.

Vc option2 1 perch

For further details and comparisons between the two options click here (opens as PDF).

If you have any comments or questions, please email info@hamptonwick.org.uk.

Click here for the council consultation documents.

Click here to have your say to the council. <—- Very important (consultation closes Tuesday 18th June).

A note on parking

The HWA and our local councillors are opposed to the loss of parking, and we will seek to ensure that any final plan does not lead to the net loss of spaces. Here are some practical ideas:

Option 2 would enable the introduction of at least two new spaces (near the Post Office) as a result of moving the crossing. Currently, there is the zig-zag no-parking zone on either side of the existing crossing (between the Foresters and Tanya’s Hair Salon). If the crossing is moved to the centre of the new piazza, those zig-zags will move with it, freeing up a considerable stretch which could be developed as new parking spaces. This idea was not considered by the external consultants as it was outside their project scope.

Under Option 2, the new loading bay alongside the Foresters could be used for pay-and-display or residents’ parking outside hours specified for deliveries (as happens in many other areas of London). For instance, the Foresters could tell its suppliers to deliver only between 9am and 12 noon, with the space being available for parking during all other hours.

We contest whether two parking spaces would need to be lost to provide a loading bay near to Sigma. The loading bay could be positioned within the crook of the turn, perhaps by shaving off a small part of the piazza there, and delineating a cycle path to one side. This is the sort of solution that can only be developed by walking the ground and measuring it accurately, rather than working off plans and Google maps. Local residents and businesses need to be involved to discuss their actual requirements. The HWA will be pushing for this approach.

We do not believe that either Option requires the total loss of parking outside the Swan. Taking out a single shrub from the proposal (on the corner of the entrance to the Swan car park) would enable the loading bay to be shorter (less ingress/egress required), leaving the option to preserve precious parking spaces. Furthermore, the loading bay hours could be restricted to business hours, or mornings only, with the parking spaces retained outside those hours.

Choose Option 2