Treasure Hunt Results
Friday 19th July 2024
For all the photos, click here.
For the Treasure Hunt report, click here.
We are pleased to be able to publish the full, checked, rechecked and fully audited scores to the Treasure Hunt. Please click for the Treasure Hunt results summary (PDF).
Congratulations again to The Fireballs and Hong Kong Phooey in coming first and second. A shout out to Trophy Hunters (despite scoring 0 for all of riddles, pictograms and Pot of Gold) who narrowly pipped Hong Kong Phooey to the highest score for the location clues with 64 and 63 respectively out of a maximum possible of 67.
Out of the 21 teams who did finish, six scored maximum points on Riddles, four on Pictograms and 11 of you solved the Pot of Gold clue.
On collectibles and Selfies, many of you really pushed the boat out with some great scores. Team Crazy Kearns winning out with a superb 61.
A few of you asked what the maximum score possible was. Unfortunately as the collectibles was open ended, it’s not really possible to give a number. However, for the other categories it was: Riddles 12, Pictograms, 24, Locations 67, Pot of Gold, 8. For collectibles and selfies it was 42 + as many menus/price lists as you managed to collect. So the maximum total would be 153 + as many menus and pricelists etc that were collected.
Before we published the results in full, we undertook a complete audit to ensure that the results were 100% correct. We are pleased to say that with the exception of one small transpositional error, everything else was spot on. That small error does mean that we announced the incorrect Wooden Spoon team. Instead of Trophy Hunters being last, it was Pirates of Cedars Road who were last. It was our mistake and we’re happy for Trophy Hunters to keep their wooden spoons along with Hampton Wick map. For the Pirates of Cedars Road, congratulations (or perhaps commiserations) on coming last. We owe you some wooden spoons and a Hampton Wick map. Unfortunately the map is out of print but as soon as we get one we’ll make sure you receive it!
Click here for a full report of the day, and click here to see photos.
Thanks again to everyone who took part and hope to see you all again next year.