Village Centre improvements - update
Wednesday 19th July 2023
In October last year, we posted an article explaining the outline ideas developed by the HWA to improve Hampton Wick village centre. As reported, those ideas were welcomed by councillors and council officials who agreed to fund a feasibility study and to develop a more worked-through proposal for consultation.
Since that time, meetings have been held with the urban design consultants (WSP) brought in by the council. At those meetings, the HWA has pressed for the needs and aspirations of local residents, pedestrians, cyclists, drivers and businesses to be fully considered.
We have been assured that when the consultants and council officials have finished pulling together a fully fleshed-out proposal it will be taken out for consultation with local residents and businesses.
It outline, the idea is to create a larger, greener and friendlier space at the centre of the village, by closing the end of Park Road to motor traffic, where it meets the High Street. (NB It is not proposed to close the end of St John’s Road.) It is also proposed to improve a length of the High Street by having wider and improved pavements which will narrow the carriageway and thereby reduce vehicle speeds.
Not only will this scheme provide a pedestrian-friendly focal point for Hampton Wick, it will also reduce the amount of traffic being funnelled into the residential areas behind, and will act as traffic calming on the High Street without the need for speed bumps or the like.
At the most recent meeting on April 19th the HWA was keen to get across what it sees as the key points for the initiative to succeed.
1. A new, centrally located, pedestrian crossing to join the new piazza with the other side of High Street on “the desire line”.
2. Include the High Street right up to the Post Office (a key community asset) in the traffic calmed area.
3. Loading bays are needed for local businesses but must be sited sensitively ie. not within the new piazza.
4. Retain the bus stop but trim it back to a normal sized one (gain a recessed disabled parking space?)
5. Make the High Street more cycle-friendly.
6. Feature a distinctive centrepiece such as a sculpture or fountain in the piazza to create a sense of identity.
Please click here – HWA Key Issues Village Centre – for the full PDF explaining the HWA’s priorities.
Progress seems to have stalled since that April meeting, but we are pressing for an update and will keep everyone posted when we hear more.